Law Offices of Chance M. McGhee

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Bankruptcy Qualifications: Can You File for Bankruptcy Twice?

 Posted on May 08,2015 in Chapter 7 bankruptcy

Texas chapter 7 lawyer, Texas chapter 13 attorney, Texas bankruptcy lawyer,Provided that you qualify for bankruptcy, it is likely that you will only apply once in your life. If everything pans out well, the process should set you on a more financially healthy course. However, whether due to a serious injury, loss of income, or another financial hardship, some people may find themselves considering bankruptcy a second time.

Is There a Limit to the Number of Times You Can File for Bankruptcy?

For the most part, you may file for bankruptcy as many times as you wish — although this does not imply that you should. Applying for bankruptcy too soon after the first may void your ability to discharge your debts, according to the Federal Trade Commission. This is critical because, in many cases, the purpose of bankruptcy is to discharge debt to make your finances more manageable.

The amount of time you should wait before filing a second time largely depends on whether you are filing for chapter 7 or chapter 13. After applying for chapter 7 bankruptcy, you must wait eight years until applying for the same chapter again. This differs from chapter 13, for which the wait period is only two years.

The time period between your first bankruptcy and hypothetical second begins on the day you filed the first bankruptcy. You should only consider a second bankruptcy after researching other options and consulting a bankruptcy attorney.

Filing under a Different Chapter the Second Time

Regardless of your first bankruptcy, you are not obligated to file under the same chapter during subsequent filings. However, changing the type of bankruptcy you file may affect the wait period. If you file for chapter 7 first, you must wait four years to file for chapter 13. For the converse, the waiting period is six years, provided that you have not paid off all unsecured debt. It is also possible to apply sooner if you have made regular payments for more than half of the debt owed, and you can show that a chapter 7 discharge is necessary to gain control of your finances.

To speak with a San Antonio bankruptcy attorney about filing for bankruptcy, either the first time or the second, contact the Law Offices of Chance M. McGhee for a free consultation at 210-342-3400.

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