Law Offices of Chance M. McGhee

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Settling Debt with Your Creditors After a Hardship

 Posted on November 30,2020 in Debt Collection

bankruptcyLife can be unpredictable. Life can be messy and complicated. And, sometimes, the worst things that can happen to us are completely out of our control. But what do you do when the messy, unpredictable, and complicated lead to financial problems? How do you turn things around and regain control of your financial future? The answer really depends on where you are in the debt collection process. While some may be able to find a viable bankruptcy alternative, others may need more aggressive action. The following information may be able to help you in determining your best course of action for settling debt with creditors.

Creditor Harassment with No Negative Actions

If you have only just started being hounded by your creditors and have not yet received any notice of wage garnishment, tax or property liens, bank seizures, home foreclosure, or any other negative actions against you, you may be able to negotiate a repayment plan with your creditors. But, because not all creditors are willing to work with consumers, and because they have no incentive to actually help you, it may take the assistance of a skilled attorney to resolve the matter before things escalate.

Liens, Levies, Wage Garnishment, Foreclosure, and Other Negative Actions

If matters have already started to spiral out of control and you are facing negative actions, such as a tax lien or levy, wage garnishment, home foreclosure, vehicle repossession, or bank account seizure, resolving the issue can be a little more complicated. In some situations, a lawyer may be able to assist you with a negotiation that can keep you from further actions. If, however, the process has already begun, your only option may be to file bankruptcy.

Stopping Negative Actions and Creditor Harassment Through Bankruptcy

Deciding to file for bankruptcy is not an easy decision. Moreover, it is not an option that works for everyone. However, if you have recently faced a hardship and are experiencing excessive stress and anxiety over the constant harassment from creditors or are about to lose your home, vehicle, or wages, it may be the solution that can help you turn things around. There are several types of bankruptcy, and your attorney can help you determine which one is the best fit for your unique circumstances.

Contact a Texas Bankruptcy Lawyer

At the Law Offices of Chance M. McGhee, we have been helping clients resolve their debt problems for over 20 years. A skilled and experienced San Antonio bankruptcy law firm, we can examine your current financial situation to help you determine the debt solution that may be most appropriate for you. If bankruptcy is the appropriate step, we can represent you in your case and take immediate action to stop creditor harassment and other negative actions against you. Take control of your financial future today. Call us at 210-342-3400 to schedule your free initial consultation.


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